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Support for configurable/upgradable products?

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#1 FJDor


Posted 16 September 2015 - 08:01

I'm looking into building a website to filter and compare models and configurations. Let's say it's for computers. It would have to accomodate the following;


PC 1 - Asus - Base model i3

PC  2 - Lenovo - Base model i3


So, two base models from two brands. Basically two "simple" products. However, users can choose to upgrade components at a premium. So a i5 would cost you +$60, a bigger hard drive +$30 and a dedicated GPU +$40 etc. etc. etc.


When users are searching the website, they must be able to select i5 as CPU and only see the PCs/configurations with an i5.


I've found out that Magento is able to do such a thing however it works on the premise that you first create all possible configurations as a "simple" product. Given the amount of options that would leave me with a enormous amount of work (thousands of options).


How can the JBZoo software help in this?

#2 SmetDenis

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Posted 16 September 2015 - 08:35

Hello FJDor,

Such features will appear at version 2.2.0.
Unfortunately, now it's RC version and doesn't have english localisation.

In the current stable version there is only simple prices without price value like "base +30$"

I think, that new version will be available about start of october.

Best regards, Denis.
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#3 FJDor

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Posted 16 September 2015 - 16:15

Good to hear! I'll wait for the release. I've read some of the current documentation on pricing which helped a lot.


I assume that the demo site will be updated to 2.2.0 as well? As I would like to see if it is what I need before spending money. Is the demo site also available in Englisch? I can't seem find it.


Overall JBzoo looks very promising!

#4 SmetDenis

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Posted 17 September 2015 - 06:30


There are previous version demo here

And english docs -
http://jbzoo.com/doc...o-price-advance(About prices)

Overall JBzoo looks very promising!


Best regards, Denis.
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