Лучший Ответ djam , 10 August 2016 - 20:05
It is an ACL Valid access, thank you for your help, and sorry for this beginner mistake.
Best regards,
Перейти к сообщениюЛучший Ответ djam , 10 August 2016 - 20:05
It is an ACL Valid access, thank you for your help, and sorry for this beginner mistake.
Best regards,
Перейти к сообщениюОтправлено 10 August 2016 - 08:31
I have create the application which displays the item on the table layout (i called app-table) following the link http://jbzoo.com/docs/table-layout, and it works well, I have add the submission layout for this application app-table, and it works well from the Zoo menu item.
I have tried to add a menu on joomla ( zoo> submission), but when i must chose my application for this menu submission, i don't find my application app-table, can you please inform me how can i resolve it.
Please inform me if you need more information.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Отправлено 10 August 2016 - 10:34
Please, check is your submition published and has valid access (ACL).
Can you show me screens of configurations of forms and menu?
— Есть два типа людей: Кто еще не делает бекапы и кто уже делает бекапы.
Отправлено 10 August 2016 - 20:05 Лучший Ответ
It is an ACL Valid access, thank you for your help, and sorry for this beginner mistake.
Best regards,