Пользуйтесь замечательным дебагером - jbdump,
который есть в JBZoo - и оптимизируйте свои проекты 
На мультиязычном сайте хак нарушил работу выборки айтемов в разных языковых каталогах. Поэтому вынужден был отказаться от него. 
Видимо, еще кое-что нужно переделать.
Хотя, возможно, я составил не совсем правильный код и поэтому у меня выборка порушилась...
Может, укажете на ошибку?
Ниже представляю версию файла, который изменил по рецепту с гитхаба:
* @package com_zoo
* @author YOOtheme http://www.yootheme.com
* @copyright Copyright (C) YOOtheme GmbH
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU/GPL
Class: ItemTable
The table class for items.
class ItemTable extends AppTable {
public function __construct($app) {
parent::__construct($app, ZOO_TABLE_ITEM);
protected function _initObject($object) {
// workaround for php bug, which calls constructor before filling values
if (is_string($object->params) || is_null($object->params)) {
// decorate data as object
$object->params = $this->app->parameter->create($object->params);
if (is_string($object->elements) || is_null($object->elements)) {
// decorate data as object
$object->elements = $this->app->data->create($object->elements);
// add to cache
$key_name = $this->key;
if ($object->$key_name && !key_exists($object->$key_name, $this->_objects)) {
$this->_objects[$object->$key_name] = $object;
// trigger init event
$this->app->event->dispatcher->notify($this->app->event->create($object, 'item:init'));
return $object;
Function: save
Override. Save object to database table.
public function save($object) {
if (!($application = $object->getApplication())) {
throw new ItemTableException('Invalid application id');
if (!is_string($object->type) || empty($object->type)) {
throw new ItemTableException('Invalid type id');
if ($object->name == '') {
throw new ItemTableException('Invalid name');
if ($object->alias == '' || $object->alias != $this->app->string->sluggify($object->alias)) {
throw new ItemTableException('Invalid slug');
if ($this->app->alias->item->checkAliasExists($object->alias, $object->id)) {
throw new ItemTableException('Alias already exists, please choose a unique alias');
$new = !(bool) $object->id;
// trigger save event
$this->app->event->dispatcher->notify($this->app->event->create($object, 'item:save', compact('new')));
$result = parent::save($object);
// init vars
$db = $this->database;
$search_data = array();
foreach ($object->getElements() as $id => $element) {
// get search data
if ($data = $element->getSearchData()) {
$search_data[] = "(".$object->id.", ".$db->quote($id).", ".$db->quote($data).")";
// delete old search data
." WHERE item_id = ".(int) $object->id;
// insert new search data
if (count($search_data)) {
." VALUES ".implode(", ", $search_data);
// save tags
// trigger saved event
$this->app->event->dispatcher->notify($this->app->event->create($object, 'item:saved', compact('new')));
return $result;
Function: delete
Override. Delete object from database table.
public function delete($object) {
// get database
$db = $this->database;
// delete item to category relations
." WHERE item_id = ".(int) $object->id;
// delete related comments
." WHERE item_id = ".(int) $object->id;
// delete related search data rows
." WHERE item_id = ". (int) $object->id;
// delete related rating data rows
." WHERE item_id = ". (int) $object->id;
// delete related tag data rows
." WHERE item_id = ". (int) $object->id;
$result = parent::delete($object);
// trigger deleted event
$this->app->event->dispatcher->notify($this->app->event->create($object, 'item:deleted'));
return $result;
Function: hit
Increment item hits.
public function hit($object) {
// get database
$db = $this->database;
$key = $this->key;
// increment hits
if ($object->$key) {
$query = "UPDATE ".$this->name
." SET hits = (hits + 1)"
." WHERE $key = ".(int) $object->$key;
return true;
return false;
Function: getApplicationItemCount
Method to get application related item count.
$application_id - Application id
public function getApplicationItemCount($application_id) {
$query = "SELECT count(a.id) AS item_count"
." FROM ".$this->name." AS a"
." WHERE a.application_id = ".(int) $application_id;
return (int) $this->_queryResult($query);
Function: getTypeItemCount
Method to get types related item count.
$type - Type
public function getTypeItemCount($type){
// get database
$db = $this->database;
$group = $type->getApplication()->getGroup();
$query = "SELECT count(a.id) AS item_count"
." FROM ".$this->name." AS a"
." JOIN ".ZOO_TABLE_APPLICATION." AS b ON a.application_id = b.id"
." WHERE a.type = ".$db->Quote($type->id)
." AND b.application_group = ".$db->Quote($group);
return (int) $this->_queryResult($query);
@deprecated version 2.5 beta
public function findAll($application_id = false, $published = false, $user = null, $options = array()) {
// get database
$db = $this->database;
// get date
$date = $this->app->date->create();
$now = $db->Quote($date->toSQL());
$null = $db->Quote($db->getNullDate());
// set query options
$conditions =
($application_id !== false ? "application_id = ".(int) $application_id : "")
." AND ".$this->app->user->getDBAccessString($user)
.($published == true ? " AND state = 1"
." AND (publish_up = ".$null." OR publish_up <= ".$now.")"
." AND (publish_down = ".$null." OR publish_down >= ".$now.")": "");
return $this->all(array_merge(compact('conditions'), $options));
Function: getByCharacter
Method to retrieve all items starting with a certain character.
$application_id - Application id
$char - Character(s)
$not_in - Use not in for matching multiple characters
Array - Array of items
public function getByIds($ids, $published = false, $user = null, $orderby = '', $ignore_order_priority = false){
$ids = (array) $ids;
if (empty($ids)) {
return array();
// get database
$db = $this->database;
// get dates
$date = $this->app->date->create();
$now = $db->Quote($date->toSQL());
$null = $db->Quote($db->getNullDate());
// get item ordering
list($join, $order) = $this->_getItemOrder($orderby, $ignore_order_priority);
$query = "SELECT a.*"
." FROM ".$this->name." AS a"
.($join ? $join : "")
." WHERE a.id IN (".implode(",", $ids).")"
." AND a.".$this->app->user->getDBAccessString($user)
.($published == true ? " AND a.state = 1"
." AND (a.publish_up = ".$null." OR a.publish_up <= ".$now.")"
." AND (a.publish_down = ".$null." OR a.publish_down >= ".$now.")": "")
.($order ? " ORDER BY " . $order : "");
return $this->_queryObjectList($query);
Function: getByCharacter
Method to retrieve all items starting with a certain character.
$application_id - Application id
$char - Character(s)
$not_in - Use not in for matching multiple characters
Array - Array of items
public function getByCharacter($application_id, $char, $not_in = false, $published = false, $user = null, $orderby = "", $offset = 0, $limit = 0, $ignore_order_priority = false){
// get database
$db = $this->database;
// get dates
$date = $this->app->date->create();
$now = $db->Quote($date->toSQL());
$null = $db->Quote($db->getNullDate());
// escape and quote character array
if (is_array($char)) {
foreach ($char as $key => $val) {
$char[$key] = "'".$db->escape($val)."'";
// get item ordering
list($join, $order) = $this->_getItemOrder($orderby, $ignore_order_priority);
$query = "SELECT a.*"
." JOIN ".$this->name." AS a ON a.id = ci.item_id"
.($join ? $join : "")
." WHERE a.application_id = ".(int) $application_id
." AND a.".$this->app->user->getDBAccessString($user)
.($published == true ? " AND a.state = 1"
." AND (a.publish_up = ".$null." OR a.publish_up <= ".$now.")"
." AND (a.publish_down = ".$null." OR a.publish_down >= ".$now.")": "")
." AND BINARY LOWER(LEFT(a.name, 1)) ".(is_array($char) ? ($not_in ? "NOT" : null)." IN (".implode(",", $char).")" : " = '".$db->escape($char)."'")
.($order ? " ORDER BY " . $order : "")
.($limit ? " LIMIT ".(int) $offset.",".(int) $limit : "");
return $this->_queryObjectList($query);
Function: getByTag
Method to retrieve all items matching a certain tag.
$tag - Tag name
$application_id - Application id
Array - Array of items
public function getByTag($application_id, $tag, $published = false, $user = null, $orderby = "", $offset = 0, $limit = 0, $ignore_order_priority = false){
// get database
$db = $this->database;
// get dates
$date = $this->app->date->create();
$now = $db->Quote($date->toSQL());
$null = $db->Quote($db->getNullDate());
// get item ordering
list($join, $order) = $this->_getItemOrder($orderby, $ignore_order_priority);
$query = "SELECT a.*"
." FROM ".$this->name." AS a "
." LEFT JOIN ".ZOO_TABLE_TAG." AS b ON a.id = b.item_id"
.($join ? $join : "")
." WHERE a.application_id = ".(int) $application_id
." AND b.name = '".$db->escape($tag)."'"
." AND a.".$this->app->user->getDBAccessString($user)
.($published == true ? " AND a.state = 1"
." AND (a.publish_up = ".$null." OR a.publish_up <= ".$now.")"
." AND (a.publish_down = ".$null." OR a.publish_down >= ".$now.")": "")
." GROUP BY a.id"
.($order ? " ORDER BY " . $order : "")
.($limit ? " LIMIT ".(int) $offset.",".(int) $limit : "");
return $this->_queryObjectList($query);
Function: getByType
Method to get types related items.
$type_id - Type
Array - Items
public function getByType($type_id, $application_id = false, $published = false, $user = null, $orderby = "", $offset = 0, $limit = 0, $ignore_order_priority = false){
// get database
$db = $this->database;
// get dates
$date = $this->app->date->create();
$now = $db->Quote($date->toSQL());
$null = $db->Quote($db->getNullDate());
// get item ordering
list($join, $order) = $this->_getItemOrder($orderby, $ignore_order_priority);
$query = "SELECT a.*"
." FROM ".$this->name." AS a"
.($join ? $join : "")
." WHERE a.type = ".$db->Quote($type_id)
.($application_id !== false ? " AND a.application_id = ".(int) $application_id : "")
." AND a.".$this->app->user->getDBAccessString($user)
.($published == true ? " AND a.state = 1"
." AND (a.publish_up = ".$null." OR a.publish_up <= ".$now.")"
." AND (a.publish_down = ".$null." OR a.publish_down >= ".$now.")": "")
." GROUP BY a.id"
.($order ? " ORDER BY " . $order : "")
.($limit ? " LIMIT ".(int) $offset.",".(int) $limit : "");
return $this->_queryObjectList($query);
Function: getByCategory
Method to retrieve all items of a category.
$category_id - Category id(s)
Array - Array of items
public function getByCategory($application_id, $category_id, $published = false, $user = null, $orderby = "", $offset = 0, $limit = 0, $ignore_order_priority = false) {
// get database
$db = $this->database;
// get dates
$date = $this->app->date->create();
$now = $db->Quote($date->toSQL());
$null = $db->Quote($db->getNullDate());
// get item ordering
list($join, $order) = $this->_getItemOrder($orderby, $ignore_order_priority);
$query = "SELECT a.id"
." FROM ".$this->name." AS a"
." LEFT JOIN ".ZOO_TABLE_CATEGORY_ITEM." AS b ON a.id = b.item_id"
.($join ? $join : "")
.($order ? " ORDER BY " . $order : "")
.($limit ? " LIMIT ".(int) $offset.",".(int) $limit : "");
$list = $this->app->database->queryAssocList($query);
$itemOrig = array_reduce($list, function($acc, $item){
$acc[] = $item['id'];
return $acc;
}, []);
$list = JBModelItem::model()->getZooItemsByIds($itemOrig);
$list = $this->app->jbarray->sortByArray($list, $itemOrig);
return $list;
* Gets adjacent items
* @return array first value is previous item, second value is next item
public function getPrevNext($application_id, $category_id, $item_id, $published = false, $user = null, $orderby = "", $ignore_order_priority = false) {
// init vars
$prev = null;
$next = null;
// get database
$db = $this->database;
// get dates
$date = $this->app->date->create();
$now = $db->Quote($date->toSQL());
$null = $db->Quote($db->getNullDate());
// get item ordering
list($join, $order) = $this->_getItemOrder($orderby, $ignore_order_priority);
$query = "SELECT ROWNUM"
." FROM ("
."SELECT @rownum:= @rownum+1 ROWNUM, id"
." FROM"
." (SELECT @rownum:=0) r,"
." (SELECT id"
." FROM ".$this->name." AS a"
." LEFT JOIN ".ZOO_TABLE_CATEGORY_ITEM." AS b ON a.id = b.item_id"
.($join ? $join : "")
." WHERE a.application_id = ".(int) $application_id
." AND b.category_id ".(is_array($category_id) ? " IN (".implode(",", $category_id).")" : " = ".(int) $category_id)
." AND a.".$this->app->user->getDBAccessString($user)
.($published == true ? " AND a.state = 1"
." AND (a.publish_up = ".$null." OR a.publish_up <= ".$now.")"
." AND (a.publish_down = ".$null." OR a.publish_down >= ".$now.")": "")
." GROUP BY a.id"
.($order ? " ORDER BY " . $order : "")
.") t1"
.") t2"
." WHERE id = ".(int) $item_id;
if ($row = $this->_queryResult($query)) {
$query = "SELECT ROWNUM, id"
." FROM ("
."SELECT @rownum:= @rownum+1 ROWNUM, id"
." FROM"
." (SELECT @rownum:=0) r,"
." (SELECT id"
." FROM ".$this->name." AS a"
." LEFT JOIN ".ZOO_TABLE_CATEGORY_ITEM." AS b ON a.id = b.item_id"
.($join ? $join : "")
." WHERE a.application_id = ".(int) $application_id
." AND b.category_id ".(is_array($category_id) ? " IN (".implode(",", $category_id).")" : " = ".(int) $category_id)
." AND a.".$this->app->user->getDBAccessString($user)
.($published == true ? " AND a.state = 1"
." AND (a.publish_up = ".$null." OR a.publish_up <= ".$now.")"
." AND (a.publish_down = ".$null." OR a.publish_down >= ".$now.")": "")
." GROUP BY a.id"
.($order ? " ORDER BY " . $order : "")
.") t1"
.") t2"
." WHERE ROWNUM = ".((int) $row-1) ." OR ROWNUM = ".((int) $row+1);
if ($objects = $db->queryObjectList($query)) {
foreach ($objects as $object) {
if ($object->ROWNUM > $row) {
$next = $this->get($object->id);
} else {
$prev = $this->get($object->id);
return array($prev, $next);
public function getByUser($application_id, $user_id, $type = null, $search = null, $order = null, $offset = null, $limit = null, $published = false) {
$options = $this->_getByUserOptions($application_id, $user_id, $type, $search, $published);
// Order
$orders = array(
'date' => 'a.created ASC',
'rdate' => 'a.created DESC',
'alpha' => 'a.name ASC',
'ralpha' => 'a.name DESC',
'hits' => 'a.hits DESC',
'rhits' => 'a.hits ASC');
$options['order'] = ($order && isset($orders[$order])) ? $orders[$order] : $orders['rdate'];
$options = $limit ? array_merge($options, array('offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit)) : $options;
return $this->all($options);
public function getItemCountByUser($application_id, $user_id, $type = null, $search = null, $published = false) {
return $this->count(array_merge($this->_getByUserOptions($application_id, $user_id, $type, $search, $published), array('select' => 'a.id')));
protected function _getByUserOptions($application_id, $user_id, $type = null, $search = null, $published = false) {
// select
$select = 'a.*';
// get from
$from = $this->name.' AS a';
// get data from the table
$where = array();
// application filter
$where[] = 'a.application_id = ' . (int) $application_id;
// author filter
$where[] = 'a.created_by = ' . (int) $user_id;
// user rights
$where[] = 'a.'.$this->app->user->getDBAccessString($this->app->user->get((int) $user_id));
// published
if ($published) {
$db = $this->database;
// get dates
$date = $this->app->date->create();
$now = $db->Quote($date->toSQL());
$null = $db->Quote($db->getNullDate());
// Add filters for publishing
$where[] = 'a.state = 1';
$where[] = "(a.publish_up = ".$null." OR a.publish_up <= ".$now.")";
$where[] = "(a.publish_down = ".$null." OR a.publish_down >= ".$now.")";
// Type
if ($type) {
if (is_array($type)) {
$where[] = 'a.type IN ("' . implode('", "', array_keys($type)) . '")';
} else {
$where[] = 'a.type = "' . (string) $type . '"';
// Search
if ($search) {
$from .= ' LEFT JOIN '.ZOO_TABLE_TAG.' AS t ON a.id = t.item_id';
$where[] = '(LOWER(a.name) LIKE '.$this->app->database->Quote('%'.$this->app->database->escape($search, true).'%', false)
. ' OR LOWER(t.name) LIKE '.$this->app->database->Quote('%'.$this->app->database->escape($search, true).'%', false).')';
// conditions
$conditions = array(implode(' AND ', $where));
return compact('select', 'from', 'conditions');
@deprecated ZOO version 2.5 beta, use getByCategory instead
public function getFromCategory($application_id, $category_id, $published = false, $user = null, $orderby = "", $offset = 0, $limit = 0) {
return $this->getByCategory($application_id, $category_id, $published, $user, $orderby, $offset, $limit);
Function: getItemCountFromCategory
Method to retrieve items count of a category.
$category_id - Category id(s)
Array - Array of items
public function getItemCountFromCategory($application_id, $category_id, $published = false, $user = null){
// get database
$db = $this->database;
// get dates
$date = $this->app->date->create();
$now = $db->Quote($date->toSQL());
$null = $db->Quote($db->getNullDate());
$query = "SELECT a.id"
." FROM ".$this->name." AS a"
." LEFT JOIN ".ZOO_TABLE_CATEGORY_ITEM." AS b ON a.id = b.item_id"
." WHERE a.application_id = ".(int) $application_id
." AND b.category_id ".(is_array($category_id) ? " IN (".implode(",", $category_id).")" : " = ".(int) $category_id)
." AND a.".$this->app->user->getDBAccessString($user)
.($published == true ? " AND a.state = 1"
." AND (a.publish_up = ".$null." OR a.publish_up <= ".$now.")"
." AND (a.publish_down = ".$null." OR a.publish_down >= ".$now.")": "")
." GROUP BY a.id";
return $db->getNumRows();
Function: search
Method to retrieve all items matching search data.
$search_string - the search string
$app_id - specify an application id to limit the search scope
Array - Array of items
public function search($search_string, $app_id = 0) {
// get database
$db = $this->database;
$db_search = $db->Quote('%'.$db->escape( $search_string, true ).'%', false);
$query = "SELECT a.*"
." FROM ".$this->name." AS a"
." LEFT JOIN ".ZOO_TABLE_SEARCH." AS b ON a.id = b.item_id"
." WHERE (LOWER(b.value) LIKE LOWER(" . $db_search . ")"
." OR LOWER(a.name) LIKE LOWER(" . $db_search . "))"
. (empty($app_id) ? "" : " AND application_id = " . $app_id)
." AND a.searchable=1"
." GROUP BY a.id";
return $this->_queryObjectList($query);
Function: searchElements
Method to retrieve all items matching search data.
$elements_array - key = element_name, value = search string
$app_id - specify an application id to limit the search scope
Array - Array of items
public function searchElements($elements_array, $app_id = 0) {
// get database
$db = $this->database;
$i = 0;
$join = array();
$where = array();
foreach ($elements_array as $name => $search_string) {
$as = "table" . $i;
$db_name = $db->Quote($db->escape( $name, true ), false);
$db_search = $db->Quote('%'.$db->escape( $search_string, true ).'%', false);
$join[] = " LEFT JOIN ".ZOO_TABLE_SEARCH." AS " . $as . " ON a.id = " . $as . ".item_id";
$where[] = $as.".element_id = ".$db_name." AND LOWER(".$as.".value) LIKE LOWER(".$db_search.")";
$query = "SELECT a.*"
." FROM ".$this->name." AS a "
. implode(" ", $join)
." WHERE "
. implode(" AND ", $where)
. (empty($app_id) ? "" : " AND application_id = " . $app_id)
." AND a.searchable=1"
." GROUP BY a.id";
return $this->_queryObjectList($query);
Function: getUsers
Method to get users of items
$app_id - Application id
Array - Array of items
public function getUsers($app_id) {
$query = 'SELECT DISTINCT u.id, u.name'
.' FROM '.$this->name.' AS i'
.' JOIN #__users AS u ON i.created_by = u.id'
. ((empty($app_id)) ? "" : " WHERE i.application_id = ".$app_id);
return $this->database->queryObjectList($query, 'id');
@deprecated version 2.5.5, use parents has() function
public function isInitialized($key) {
return $this->has($key);
protected function _getItemOrder($order, $ignore_order_priority = false) {
// if string, try to convert ordering
if (is_string($order)) {
$order = $this->app->itemorder->convert($order);
$result = array(null, null);
$order = (array) $order;
if (in_array('_ignore_priority', $order)) {
$ignore_order_priority = true;
// trigger order event
$this->app->event->dispatcher->notify($this->app->event->create($order, 'item:changeorder'));
// remove empty and duplicate values
$order = array_unique(array_filter($order));
// if random return immediately
if (in_array('_random', $order)) {
$result[1] = 'RAND()';
return $result;
// get order dir
if (($index = array_search('_reversed', $order)) !== false) {
$reversed = 'DESC';
} else {
$reversed = 'ASC';
// get ordering type
$alphanumeric = false;
if (($index = array_search('_alphanumeric', $order)) !== false) {
$alphanumeric = true;
// set default ordering attribute
if (empty($order)) {
$order[] = '_itemname';
// if there is a none core element present, ordering will only take place for those elements
if (count($order) > 1) {
$order = array_filter($order, create_function('$a', 'return strpos($a, "_item") === false;'));
// order by core attribute
foreach ($order as $element) {
if (strpos($element, '_item') === 0) {
$var = str_replace('_item', '', $element);
if ($alphanumeric) {
$result[1] = $reversed == 'ASC' ? "a.$var+0<>0 DESC, a.$var+0, a.$var" : "a.$var+0<>0, a.$var+0 DESC, a.$var DESC";
} else {
$result[1] = $reversed == 'ASC' ? "a.$var" : "a.$var DESC";
// else order by elements
if (!isset($result[1])) {
$result[0] = " LEFT JOIN ".ZOO_TABLE_SEARCH." AS s ON a.id = s.item_id AND s.element_id IN ('".implode("', '", $order)."')";
if ($alphanumeric) {
$result[1] = $reversed == 'ASC' ? "ISNULL(s.value), s.value+0<>0 DESC, s.value+0, s.value" : "s.value+0<>0, s.value+0 DESC, s.value DESC";
} else {
$result[1] = $reversed == 'ASC' ? "s.value" : "s.value DESC";
// If there wasn't _ignore_priority in the order array, prefix priority
if (!$ignore_order_priority) {
$result[1] = $result[1] ? 'a.priority DESC, ' . $result[1] : 'a.priority DESC';
// trigger init event
$this->app->event->dispatcher->notify($this->app->event->create($order, 'item:orderquery', array('result' => &$result)));
return $result;
Class: ItemTableException
class ItemTableException extends AppException {}
Сообщение отредактировал Шингисович: 13 March 2017 - 06:17