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h3 tag in teaser

teaser tag

Лучший Ответ SmetDenis , 12 May 2013 - 15:34


Find this file media/zoo/applications/product/templates/default/renderer/item/teaser.php 

and replace this code

echo $this->renderPosition('description', array('style' => 'block'));


echo $this->renderPosition('description', array('style' => 'default'));
echo $this->renderPosition('description'); // or alternative
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#1 Musylype


Отправлено 12 May 2013 - 12:43

Hello, I have a problem with zoo 2.6 (yootheme)!
I add a field value of good (one line text) to description position in teaser template
i need price label put in one line as a value of goods, but now value in other line (below)

in firebug shows that problem with H3 tag

How to remove H3 tag in the name of the field?

#2 SmetDenis


Отправлено 12 May 2013 - 15:34   Лучший Ответ


Find this file media/zoo/applications/product/templates/default/renderer/item/teaser.php 

and replace this code

echo $this->renderPosition('description', array('style' => 'block'));


echo $this->renderPosition('description', array('style' => 'default'));
echo $this->renderPosition('description'); // or alternative

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