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Free Items?

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#1 Guest_Geoff_*


Отправлено 30 May 2013 - 10:20

Our website offers free products (max 3 items).  Is it possible to configure the JBZoo shopping cart to handle free items, with no shipping or sign up required?  


We simply request the user's address details and then would like to receive the order via an email.  No payment gateway required.


Is this possible?




#2 SmetDenis


Отправлено 30 May 2013 - 10:51


Yes, JBZoo can work with free items. For this you need to set the price to "0".
Try this Demo page http://demo.jbzoo.com/item/phantom-neo

The fields on the checkout form is very flexible configurable.
  • 0
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