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Some Presales Questions

zoolingual payment multi-vendor

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Сообщений в теме: 5

#1 golfads


Отправлено 27 June 2013 - 10:47

Hi, we are planning to purchase the pro version of JBZoo, however, prior to purchase the pro version, we have some important questions that need some answers to help us take some proper decision.


1. We are using Zoolingual on our website for multi-language compatibility (English & French), we are ready to make the translation of JBZoo in French as well, but is JBZoo compatible to work with Zoolingual for translation of description, categories etc.?

2. We would like to have a multi-vendor website, where authorized users can add their own products, is that possible so that each authorized user can add products from frontend?

3. If the answer to question number 2 is 'Yes', is it possible to setup JBZoo so that payments are sent directly to the vendor of the product instead of the website administrator? That is, is it possible for each vendor to add his own ID for merchant account such as robokassa, paypal etc.?

4. Currently, we are using the default ZOO system to manage some other directories such as golf course directory, golf resort directory etc. Will it be possible to integrate JBZoo to these other apps to manage email templates to users and administrator?

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#2 Sliapy


Отправлено 27 June 2013 - 11:18

1. We are using Zoolingual on our website for multi-language compatibility (English & French), we are ready to make the translation of JBZoo in French as well, but is JBZoo compatible to work with Zoolingual for translation of description, categories etc.?

Yes, JBZoo is compatible to work with Zoolingual. You just only need to place the JBZoo Event plugin on the last place in the plugin list after install JBZoo and Zoolingual.

2. We would like to have a multi-vendor website, where authorized users can add their own products, is that possible so that each authorized user can add products from frontend?

There is no special functionality for this. But you can use Submission from the the usual Zoo.

3. If the answer to question number 2 is 'Yes', is it possible to setup JBZoo so that payments are sent directly to the vendor of the product instead of the website administrator? That is, is it possible for each vendor to add his own ID for merchant account such as robokassa, paypal etc.?

Unfortunately, you can't do it with JBZoo.

4. Currently, we are using the default ZOO system to manage some other directories such as golf course directory, golf resort directory etc. Will it be possible to integrate JBZoo to these other apps to manage email templates to users and administrator?

You can't integrate JBZoo in the Zoo apps, because JBZoo is the app for Zoo (like Product, Blog etc). But you can export the content from other apps to  the JBZoo App.

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#3 golfads


Отправлено 28 June 2013 - 00:22

Hi, thanks for the very quick reply, we'll be using another extension for the shopping feature, however, reading the JBZoo features makes me much interested about some other features, think we can use it for our other directories, I have downloaded the free version as a test for our website but I found something strange or is it me! In the features description, it is mention that there is business directory, real estate etc. as template in the free JBZoo App, however, when I have installed the free version, in the template dropdown list, I can only see 'Catalogue' as option, is that an error or what please?

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#4 SmetDenis


Отправлено 28 June 2013 - 07:23

JBZoo has only one template (and Free and Pro version).
This template has a lot of options and additional fields for the content.
With their help, you can make any kind of content for the website.

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#5 golfads


Отправлено 01 July 2013 - 20:52

Hi, OK, thanks for all these information, seems perfect for our other needs, going to purchase the pro version tomorrow morning, should register for another account or can I use the same account as the one I am accessing the forum?

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#6 SmetDenis


Отправлено 01 July 2013 - 20:56

Do not need to register additionally anywhere. All information will come to your email after purchase.
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