To solve the RokSprocket problem, you will need to add another type of Zoo element (jbimage) to be processed as an image. To do it, edit the file /components/com_roksprocket/lib/RokSprocket/Provider/Zoo.php
My final code is:
* @version $Id: Zoo.php 10887 2013-05-30 06:31:57Z btowles $
* @author RocketTheme
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 - 2013 RocketTheme, LLC
* @license GNU/GPLv2 only
class RokSprocket_Provider_Zoo extends RokSprocket_Provider_AbstarctJoomlaBasedProvider
* @return RokSprocket_ItemCollection
public function getItems()
if ($this->params->exists('zoo_application_type')) {
$this->filters['zoo_application_type'][] = $this->params->get('zoo_application_type');
return parent::getItems();
* @static
* @return bool
public static function isAvailable()
if (!class_exists('JFactory')) {
return false;
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->from('#__extensions AS a');
$query->where('a.type = "component"');
$query->where('a.element = "com_zoo"');
$query->where('a.enabled = 1');
if ($db->loadResult()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* @param array $filters
* @param array $sort_filters
public function __construct($filters = array(), $sort_filters = array())
$this->setFilterChoices($filters, $sort_filters);
* @param $raw_item
* @param int $dborder
* @return \RokSprocket_Item
protected function convertRawToItem($raw_item, $dborder = 0)
$app_type = $this->params->get('zoo_application_type');
//$textfield = $this->params->get('zoo_articletext_field', '');
$item = new RokSprocket_Item();
$item->setAlias(($raw_item->created_by_alias) ? $raw_item->created_by_alias : $raw_item->author_name);
$item->setPublished(($raw_item->published == 1) ? true : false);
require_once(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_zoo/config.php');
$app = App::getInstance('zoo');
$applications = $app->application->getApplications();
$application = $applications[$raw_item->application_id];
$text_ids = array();
$image_ids = array();
$link_ids = array();
$types = $application->getTypes();
foreach ($types as $type) {
$elements = $type->getElements();
foreach ($elements as $element) {
if ($element->config->type == 'image' || $element->config->type == 'jbimage') {
$image_ids[] = $element->identifier;
if ($element->config->type == 'link') {
$link_ids[] = $element->identifier;
if ($element->config->type == 'textarea' || $element->config->type == 'text') {
$text_ids[] = $element->identifier;
$els = json_decode($raw_item->elements);
$texts = array();
$images = array();
$links = array();
foreach ($els as $ident => $el) {
if (in_array($ident, $image_ids)) {
$image = new RokSprocket_Item_Image();
if($element->config->type == 'jbimage'){
$el = $el->{0};
$image->setIdentifier('image_field_' . $ident);
$images[$image->getIdentifier()] = $image;
if (isset($images['image_field_' . $ident]) && !$item->getPrimaryImage()) {
if (in_array($ident, $link_ids)) {
$link = new RokSprocket_Item_Link();
$link->setIdentifier('link_field_' . $ident);
$links[$link->getIdentifier()] = $link;
if (isset($links['link_field_' . $ident]) && !$item->getPrimaryLink()) {
if (in_array($ident, $text_ids) && is_object($el)) {
foreach ($el as $val){
$texts['text_field_' . $ident] = $val->value;
else if (in_array($ident, $text_ids) && !is_object($el)){
$texts['text_field_' . $ident] = $el->value;
$params = RokCommon_JSON::decode($raw_item->params);
$desc = "metadata.description";
$texts['text_field_metadesc'] = $params->$desc;
$texts = $this->processPlugins($texts);
$text = array_values($texts);
$text = array_shift($text);
$primary_link = new RokSprocket_Item_Link();
$primary_link->setUrl(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_zoo&task=item&item_id=' . $raw_item->id, true));
$tags = (explode(',', $raw_item->tags)) ? explode(',', $raw_item->tags) : array();
return $item;
* @param $id
* @param bool $raw return the raw object not the RokSprocket_Item
* @return stdClass|RokSprocket_Item
* @throws RokSprocket_Exception
public function getArticleInfo($id, $raw = false)
/** @var $filer_processor RokCommon_Filter_IProcessor */
$filer_processor = $this->getFilterProcessor();
$filer_processor->process(array('id' => array($id)));
$query = $filer_processor->getQuery();
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$ret = $db->loadObject();
if ($error = $db->getErrorMsg()) {
throw new RokSprocket_Exception($error);
if ($raw) {
$ret->preview = $this->_cleanPreview($ret->articletext);
$ret->editUrl = $this->getArticleEditUrl($id);
return $ret;
} else {
$item = $this->convertRawToItem($ret);
$item->editUrl = $this->getArticleEditUrl($id);
$item->preview = $this->_cleanPreview($item->getText());
return $item;
* @param $id
* @return string
protected function getArticleEditUrl($id)
return JURI::root(true) . '/administrator/index.php?option=com_zoo&controller=item&changeapp=1&task=edit&cid[]=' . $id;
* @return array the array of image type and label
public static function getImageTypes()
require_once(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_zoo/config.php');
$app = App::getInstance('zoo');
$applications = $app->application->getApplications();
$list = array();
foreach ($applications as $application) {
$types = $application->getTypes();
foreach ($types as $type) {
$elements = $type->getElements();
foreach ($elements as $element) {
if ($element->config->type == 'image' || $element->config->type == 'jbimage') {
$key = 'image_field_' . $element->identifier;
$list[$key] = array();
$list[$key]['group'] = $application->id . '_' . $type->id;
$list[$key]['display'] = $element->config->name;
return $list;
* @return array the array of link types and label
public static function getLinkTypes()
require_once(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_zoo/config.php');
$app = App::getInstance('zoo');
$applications = $app->application->getApplications();
$list = array();
foreach ($applications as $application) {
$types = $application->getTypes();
foreach ($types as $type) {
$elements = $type->getElements();
foreach ($elements as $element) {
if ($element->config->type == 'link') {
$key = 'link_field_' . $element->identifier;
$list[$key] = array();
$list[$key]['group'] = $application->id . '_' . $type->id;
$list[$key]['display'] = $element->config->name;
return $list;
* @return array the array of link types and label
public static function getTextTypes()
require_once(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_zoo/config.php');
$app = App::getInstance('zoo');
$applications = $app->application->getApplications();
$list = array();
foreach ($applications as $application) {
$types = $application->getTypes();
foreach ($types as $type) {
$elements = $type->getElements();
foreach ($elements as $element) {
if ($element->config->type == 'textarea' || $element->config->type == 'text') {
$key = 'text_field_' . $element->identifier;
$list[$key] = array();
$list[$key]['group'] = $application->id . '_' . $type->id;
$list[$key]['display'] = $element->config->name;
$static = array(
'text_field_metadesc' => array('group' => null, 'display' => 'Meta Description Text'),
$list = array_merge($static, $list);
return $list;
* @static
* @return array
public static function getCCKGroups()
require_once(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_zoo/config.php');
$app = App::getInstance('zoo');
$applications = $app->application->getApplications();
$list = array();
foreach ($applications as $application) {
$types = $application->getTypes();
foreach ($types as $type) {
$list[$application->id . '_' . $type->id] = $application->name . ' - ' . $type->name;
return $list;
Thanks for JBZoo team for the support and thanks for RocketTheme team for nice and clear code in RokSprocket module.