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Multiple Types In One App

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#1 tobypsl


Отправлено 31 July 2013 - 09:35

I have a few questions about the paid app:


1. I would like to have a shared tag system between different aspects of a website, for example: the blog, case studies, services.


If I used the catalog app and defined 3 different types - one for each, do the tags apply to the app (and therefore all of the types in the app) or to individual types?


2. Does / can the filter apply to types, so I could set a filter to apply to just the blog?


3. And / or can I filter across different types so the filter returns results from blog, case studies, services? and if so will those results be ordered by type or by some shared field like date? and if so could that field be a custom field?



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#2 SmetDenis


Отправлено 02 August 2013 - 06:51


In one application can use several types of items. Count of Apps. not limited.

Our filter will be work only by App and Type together. Search by multiple types in filter is not possible.
Because each type has its own set of fields.
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