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Import ZOO Blog APP Into JBZOO Catalog App

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#1 tobypsl

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Posted 01 August 2013 - 16:50

Is it possible to import a ZOO Blog App into JB ZOO APP ?


I have defined 5 different textarea field in my ZOO Blog App so the process of copying each of 5 fields for each blog item to a new APP would be quite slow.


Is it possible to map the textarea fields to text area fields in the JBZOO APP and import instead?


An answer to this question will help me plan workflow etc.

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#2 SmetDenis

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 07:00


Yes. All this features are available in our JBZoo App.

Filter support all fields from items and categories.

P.S. I so sorry for a very long answer. This was due to the release of the new version 2.0
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