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Сообщений в теме: 5

#1 tobypsl


Отправлено 02 August 2013 - 11:10

The artile published innews on 30 July indicates a new version of JBZOO is available. Is there a link to buy this as the menu link on the website says the page is updating.


It would be helpful to know when this APP will be available as I have a site to build and it will cut down on work if I enter content directly rarher than in ZOO and then copying over.




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#2 SmetDenis


Отправлено 02 August 2013 - 18:37


Now our payment system is not available. Sorry.
But you may write to sales@jbzoo.com
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JBZoo v4.0 и новый чудный мир Open Source GPL
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#3 tobypsl


Отправлено 02 August 2013 - 19:31



I didi e-mail that address already this morning but have no response. I was hoping to set the APP up this weekend.


I can use the free version for now and create the filters next week if necessary, but sonner would have been better.




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#4 SmetDenis


Отправлено 03 August 2013 - 00:19


I send to you a private message.
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JBZoo v4.0 и новый чудный мир Open Source GPL
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#5 tobypsl


Отправлено 03 August 2013 - 16:18

Hi - I made the payment this morning, can you advise when I will receive a download link? regards, Toby

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#6 SmetDenis


Отправлено 04 August 2013 - 10:18


Check your email please.
Thank you!
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JBZoo v4.0 и новый чудный мир Open Source GPL
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