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Different conditions of displaying in ZOO and JBZoo item templates

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#1 Kess


Отправлено 20 September 2013 - 02:37

Often there are a lot of questions about using some conditions in catalogue elements output.
In this article we'll examine some examples of conditions for a template positions (e.g. full or teaser). If there are several elements in one position, but only one needs condition, this element should be moved to a different or new position.
Let's examine some simple examples:
1. Conditions for authorized/anonymous users:
  • display only for authorized users:
    $user = JFactory::getUser();
    if (!$user->guest) {
  • display only for anonymous users:
    $user = JFactory::getUser();
    if ($user->guest) {
2. Conditions for a specific user group:
User group is determined by ID, which you can look in "Users" -> "Groups":
  • display only for an "Author" group:
    $user = JFactory::getUser();
    if (in_array('3', $user->groups) {
  • display only for Super Users:
    $user = JFactory::getUser();
    if ($user->superadmin) {
3. Condition for viewing teaser from a category but not from the frontpage
This condition can be used when you want a teaser template in a category to be different from the one on the frontpage.

//Checking if current view is a category
(JRequest::getVar('view') == 'category') ? $category = true : $category = false;
//Display only on the frontpage
//Display in all categories but not on the frontpage
4. Condition for viewing teaser from specific categories
This condition can be used if you want the teaser template to be different only in specific categories.
Attention: if a category is attached to a Joomla menu item, this condition will not work. In this case, use condition #5.

//Getting variable with category id
$category_id = JRequest::getInt('category_id');
//Display only in category with id=2
if($category_id == '2'){
//Display only in categories with id = 5, 6, 7, 8
$categories = array(5,6,7,8);
if(in_array($category_id, $categories)){
5. Condition for a specific menu item
You can see the id of a menu item either by looking at its url (with SEF off) or by going to Joomla menu manager:

//Getting variable with menu id
$itemid = JRequest::getVar('Itemid');
//Display if menu id=130
if($itemid == '130'){
6. Condition for a specific date range (e.g. from March, 21 to April, 1, 2013):

    //Getting a variable with initial date
    $timestart = mktime(0,0,0,3,21,2013);
    //Getting a variable with final date
    $timestop = mktime(0,0,0,4,1,2013);
    //Getting a variable with current date
    $time = time();
    //Display only within these dates: 2013.03.21 - 2013.04.01
    if( $timestart < $time && $time < $timestop ){
7. How to limit an output by words (or symbols)
  • limit by 30 words:
    $desc = JString::trim(strip_tags($this->renderPosition('<POSITION_NAME>')));
    $descArr = explode(' ', $desc);
    $descArr_tmp = array();
    foreach ($descArr as $word) {
        $word = JString::trim($word);
        if ($word) {
            $descArr_tmp[] = $word;
    if (count($descArr_tmp) > 30) {
        $descArr_tmp = array_slice($descArr_tmp, 0, 30);
        echo implode(' ', $descArr_tmp) . ' ...';
    } else {
        echo implode(' ', $descArr_tmp);
  • limit by 300 symbols:
    echo JString::substr(strip_tags($this->renderPosition('<POSITION_NAME>')),0,300);
Combined example #1
Example of a teaser template with following conditions:
  • "price" position is displayed only for authorized users
  • "rating" position is displayed only on categories pages
  • description in the "subtitle" position is limited to 30 words
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
$align = $this->app->jbitem->getMediaAlign($item, $layout);
//Getting $user object
$user = JFactory::getUser();
//Getting category variable
(JRequest::getVar('view') == 'category') ? $category = true : $category = false;
<?php if ($this->checkPosition('image')) : ?>
    <div class="item-image align-<?php echo $align;?>">
        <?php echo $this->renderPosition('image');?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="product-props">
    <?php if ($this->checkPosition('title')) : ?>
        <h4 class="item-title"><?php echo $this->renderPosition('title'); ?></h4>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php //Trimming text in the subtitle position to 30 words ?>
    $desc = JString::trim(strip_tags($this->renderPosition('subtitle')));
    $descArr = explode(' ', $desc);
    $descArr_tmp = array();
    foreach ($descArr as $word) {
        if ($word = JString::trim($word)) {
            $descArr_tmp[] = $word;
    if (count($descArr_tmp) > 30) {
        $descArr_tmp = array_slice($descArr_tmp, 0, 30);
        echo implode(' ', $descArr_tmp) . ' ...';
    } else {
        echo implode(' ', $descArr_tmp);
    } ?>
<?php  //Adding condition for displaying price position to authorized users only
if ($this->checkPosition('price') && !$user->guest) : ?>
    <p><?php echo $this->renderPosition('price'); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->checkPosition('properties')) : ?>
        <?php echo $this->renderPosition('properties', array('style' => 'list')); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php //Adding condition for displaying rating position only in categories pages
    if($category) {
        echo $this->renderPosition('rating', array('style' => 'block'));
<?php echo $this->renderPosition('links', array('style' => 'pipe')); ?>
Combined example #2
Example of full template with following conditions:
  • "anons" position is displayed only for Super Users
  • "meta" position is displayed only from June, 1, 2013 to August, 31, 2013
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
$align = $this->app->jbitem->getMediaAlign($item, $layout);
echo $this->renderPosition('title',     array('style' => 'jbtitle'));
echo $this->renderPosition('subtitle',  array('style' => 'jbsubtitle'));
echo $this->renderPosition('likes',     array(
        'style' => 'jbblock',
        'class' => 'align-left'
echo $this->renderPosition('rating', array(
        'style' => 'jbblock',
        'class' => 'align-right',
//Getting $user object
$user = JFactory::getUser();
//Getting a variable with initial date
$timestart = mktime(0,0,0,6,1,2013);
//Getting a variable with final date
$timestop = mktime(0,0,0,8,31,2013);
//Getting a variable with current date
$time = time();
<div class="rborder item-body">
    <?php if ($this->checkPosition('image')) : ?>
        <div class="item-image align-<?php echo $align;?>">
            <?php echo $this->renderPosition('image'); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php //Adding condition for displaying anons position only for Super Users
     if ($this->checkPosition('anons') && $user->superadmin) : ?>
        <div class="item-anons">
            <?php echo $this->renderPosition('anons'); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php  //Adding condition for displaying meta position only within specified date range
      if ($this->checkPosition('meta') && $timestart < $time && $time < $timestop) : ?>
        <div class="item-meta">
            <?php echo $this->renderPosition('meta', array(
                'style'    => 'jbblock',
                'labelTag' => 'strong',
                'tag'      => 'p'
            )); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <div class="clear clr"></div>
Combined example #3
Example of an inline filter template:
  • "fields1" position is displayed only for menu item with id=101
  • "fields2: position is displayed for other menu items
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
//Getting an ID of the current menu item
$itemid = JRequest::getInt('Itemid');
if($itemid == '101'): // Condition for displaying fields1 position when menu id=101 ?>
    <div class="filter-inline">
        <?php echo  $this->renderPosition('fields1', array('style' => 'filter.block'));?>
<?php else: // Display fields2 position in all other menu items ?>
    <div class="filter-inline">
        <?php echo  $this->renderPosition('fields2', array('style' => 'filter.block'));?>
<?php endif; ?>
Instead of the <CODE> label you can write any PHP or HTML code. For example, position output may look like this:

<?php echo $this->renderPosition('position_name', array('style' => 'list'));?>

Сообщение отредактировал SmetDenis: 20 September 2013 - 23:38

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