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Submissions Problem

Лучший Ответ SmetDenis , 29 April 2014 - 09:51


Try this way

in the file - components\com_zoo\controllers\submission.php
remove or comment this line

replace to

	public function canAccess($user = null) {
		return true;
Best regards, Denis. Перейти к сообщению

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Сообщений в теме: 11

#11 tobypsl2


Отправлено 30 April 2014 - 08:27

It's really difficult to make progress in implementing JBZoo when the responses to support questions have a day or more in between them.

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#12 SmetDenis


Отправлено 01 May 2014 - 07:51


I noticed there is a cookie set for this key: 3ecc936de90fbf4f1520714ed5dc0f27
I think, it's key for PHP session. Joomla uses this cookie for starting session and get (or set) some data.
Its usual practice for all CMS. So Zoo just uses PHP session in any case with Joomla API.



It's really difficult to make progress in implementing JBZoo when the responses to support questions have a day or more in between them.


Sorry, but these questions are not related to the JBZoo, because submission form is a standart feature of Zoo component.
JBZoo uses it unchanged, so occasionally we need some time to find solution.

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