Best Answer Kess , 18 June 2014 - 11:24
I've tried to implement this - http://tablesorter.c...le-parsers.html and it works fine.
So here is how my days-of-week element look like:
Then I changed tablesorter initialization script in this file by adding parser for days:
So it looks like this now:
<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery.tablesorter.addParser({ id: 'days', is: function(s) { return false; }, format: function(s) { return s.toLowerCase().replace(/monday/,1).replace(/tuesday/,2).replace(/wednesday/,3).replace(/thursday/,4).replace(/friday/,5).replace(/saturday/,6).replace(/sunday/,7); }, type: 'numeric' }); jQuery(function() { jQuery(".jsTableSorter").tablesorter({ headers: { 6: { sorter:'days' } } }); }); }); </script>
Here is the result:
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