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Possible Jquery conflict?

jquery bug

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Сообщений в теме: 14

#11 Sliapy


Отправлено 02 August 2014 - 22:26

Sorry for the long answer. I send the link to this topic to the JBZoo developers. Maybe, they will help you.

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#12 SmetDenis


Отправлено 03 August 2014 - 05:17

Calendar loads contents with AJAX request and when it happens server returns 404.
I think that calendar create no valid url (for example variable "task" is not defined) or something else.




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#13 synchron


Отправлено 04 August 2014 - 08:32

Which debugger you used to find it? 

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#14 synchron


Отправлено 12 August 2014 - 17:22

Hello again.


I managed to discover what the problem was. I had to type inside the URL an additional view=frontpage parameter in order to make it work. Any solution to make this automatic?

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#15 SmetDenis


Отправлено 14 August 2014 - 07:17



Which debugger you used to find it?

It was Google Chrome and F12.

I managed to discover what the problem was. I had to type inside the URL an additional view=frontpage parameter in order to make it work. Any solution to make this automatic?

How are you tested it?
I think, you need to find place where url has been configured and add this param.

Sorry, but we don't know what is the extension you are using
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